Genetic Screening
Monthly Blood Test Time In the early 1960’s the United States was able to use a process called genetic screening (“The Evolution”). defines genetic screening as an “assessment of an individual's genetic makeup to detect inheritable defects that may be transmitted to offspring” (“Genetic Screening”). Genetic screening can be used for many things, but is often used to inform pregnant women if their fetus may have an underlying disorder such as Down Syndrome. Genetic screening is a basically a DNA test taken by a blood or spit sample (“Genetic Testing”). This sample determines if the fetus may have a genetic disorder or not. As great as all this technology is, not all genetic screening tests have been proven to be 100% accurate (Mayo Clinic). Due to this information, it has made genetic testing become a controversy topic. One argument says that genetic screening can be beneficial and the counterpoint is that genetic screening can be bad (DiLascio, Sprauge). fab-2 The ...